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        The Lord has instructed me to begin sending out [beginning July 1st 2014] a work entitled "Meditations On The True Christian Life" [on a daily basis] to those who are interested in receiving it. Each daily send out will be relatively brief.


 Day 1  

        "Faith is the audacity that rejoices in the fact that God will not break His own Word. Faith is the quiet confidence that God means what He says - and this  allows us freely to both trust and act upon His Word."

        ...."I am watching over My word [Will] to perform it".... Jeremiah 1:12b NASB

Day 2     

        "The intense desire and determination to do ALL of God's Will is the secret of "knowing" it [having it revealed to one's heart]."

        ...."For this reason also, since the day we heard [of it,] we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please [Him] in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son".... Colossians 1:9-13 NASB

        The "seeds" for this project were planted as far back as 1982 as the Lord led me to various writings by many men and women [through the years] who had one thing in common: they loved the Lord their God with every fiber of their being. Because of this, they were used greatly by the Father to speak [write] the deepest thoughts and intentions of His heart - and, thus, paint a "clear" and "true" picture of His highest Will and purpose for the Body of Christ - both individually and corporately.

        The writings contained in this volume of work are not meant to stand on their own [apart from the revealed Word of God]. The words found within are simply an expansion and confirmation of God's Word - a revealing of the thoughts and intentions of the Father's Will and purpose for His Church [a running commentary expressed by the Holy Spirit, through God's faithful anointed bondservants and handmaidens].

        It is my fervent prayer that as you read this volume of work you will "allow" the Holy Spirit to reveal to your heart the fullness [absoluteness] of the Divine Requirement:

        ...."You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind".... Luke 10:27 NASB

 concerning your life and ministry. For, as you do, you shall surely be brought to the place of "abiding" in Christ - and, from that holy place, you shall surely fulfill the Father's highest Will and purpose for your life and ministry in your remaining time on earth.

        The words contained in "Meditations on the True Christian Life" are anointed by God to help lead His precious children into the "fullness" of their inheritance [salvation] in Christ.

A word from the Father:

        ...."The purpose of "Meditations on the True Christian Life" is so that My children might experience a "cross-section" of the anointed words [absolute truths - "patterns"] that I have passed on to My consecrated ones down through the ages.

        Truly I say to you, there would not be time for all those of My children, who seek only to walk in the "fullness" of their inheritance in Christ, to read all of the books that I have instructed you to "glean" through the years.

       Therefore, continue on with great diligence and never underestimate the great importance of any aspect of My Will. For all those who desire to walk in the "fullness" of the Kingdom-position and destiny, in Christ, that I have called them to must be introduced to, and taught, the "absolute" truths and principles contained in the "writings" that I have instructed you to place in this volume of work"....


        These writings are dedicated first, and always, to the glory of God, but it is also dedicated to the memory of all those saints - both men and women - who, through their faithfulness to the uncompromised Word of God and their obedience to the Holy Spirit throughout their time on earth, made possible the writings contained in these volumes. Writings which [by the power of the Holy Spirit] paint a true picture of God's Will for "all" of His children - and which, once and for all, disprove the "lies" of Satan which state that the "true Christian life" is something "less" than a heart and life "wholly" given to, and empowered by, God.

        If you are interested in subscribing to the daily send outs of "Meditations On The True Christian Life" please click on the link below and check the appropriate box in the email list section.

Glenn H. Jackson