I was born in Mimico, Ontario, Canada on October 10th 1951, and moved to Barrie, Ontario in 1961. I was raised in a fine family and came to know the Lord Jesus at an early age through Sunday School at Wesley United Church in Mimico (formerly a suburb of Toronto). As I grew up I was continually being placed in Christian surroundings. I attended St. Andrew's College at Aurora, Ontario from 1963-1967, and can remember the strong impression the services at the Chapel and the hymn singing had upon me. At 17 the Lord called me to the "ministry". I put aside this first call having “allowed” myself to be deceived by Satan - who worked greatly through the fear I had of speaking in front of people. Over a year later I found myself in deep depression - greatly dissatisfied and lonely. I cried out to the Lord for help - promising Him I would serve Him if He would bring me out of the position I had allowed myself to come to. The Lord answered my prayers powerfully over the next six months, and I then promptly figured that “I”, once again, had everything under control and, thus, I ignored my promise to serve Him. It was at this point I wilfully rejected my call to the Ministry to go my own way and over the next 9 years I allowed Satan to steal or destroy those things which were truly precious to me.

        In July 1980 I finally reached the lowest point in my existence and had come to the full realization that the life of selfishness I had lived had caused only pain and suffering to all those who were close to me. In late July as I lay in bed racked with a paralyzing depression I screamed out to Jesus with every last ounce of strength that was left in me and His Presence filled my room. In a split second His peace rolled like waves over me and in that glorious moment my heart was wholly given to Him by faith. Over the next few years the Lord's healing power effected a gradual, but constant, change in my mental and physical well-being - as I began to immerse myself in His Word. It was a tremendous battle (warfare) day in and day out - as Satan attempted to move me apart from God's will for my life and ministry - but I am here to tell you that God is faithful in "every" way to finish the work that He is "allowed" to begin in our lives.

        I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in January 1982 at Collier St. United Church in Barrie and was privileged to work with the youth group there for a period of time. In August 1983 I left work at Canadian General Electric in Barrie to answer my full time call to the ministry with the command to “eat, sleep, drink and breathe My Word” burning in my heart. In September 1983 the Lord planted the seed that would become Jesus is Lord Ministries (JtL Ministries). This ministry is a non-denominational faith ministry – its sole mandate being to “devote ourselves to prayer, and to the ministry of the (uncompromised) Word”(Acts 6:4). So much has happened since that time (August 1983) - not the least of which is a continual and constant "deep dealing" by the Lord in preparing me to fulfil the office of ministry that He has called me to. All of the wonderful spiritual experiences that the Father blessed me with back in the early days were but the forerunner for a "time" of learning to be faithful in the "little things" - that is, learning to abide in faith and love in the every-day practical matters of living. I am extremely grateful for the time of almost total "separation" unto Him which the Lord provided from 1980 through 1985 - for it was in this time that I was truly able to "eat, sleep, drink and breathe" the Word in obedience to His command. Little did I realize at the time the depth to which the God must work in His bondservants and handmaidens to prepare us for this last hour. But now I can fully appreciate all of the time that the divine “refining process” has taken - for it is indeed a truly great and magnificent plan that the Father has for the establishment of the "spotless and unblemished" (Glorious) Church. It is certain that unless one comes to "know" the totality of the corruption of the "flesh" - through the continually deeper working of the Cross then one can never truly know the absoluteness and totality of the "no greater love" of the Father - shed abroad in their heart by the Holy Spirit. I believe that this most holy work will continue - even up to the moment that we are "caught up" out of here – for it is certain that His “death” must abide within us if we are to be pure vessels of His life and love and light to all who cross our path.

     These past twenty years seem almost "timeless" as they - for the most part - have been spent in intercession for the establishment of the Glorious Church – and the raising up of “godly leadership within her. I am certain that "most" are well aware of the serious problems which have afflicted many of God's people - due to their unrelenting "fellowship" with the world. This has effectively (from Satan's viewpoint) blocked the much needed revelation of a spotless and unblemished "Body of Christ" which the Father surely desires each of His children to possess, and thus many remain bound by a "denominational" structure which continually robs them of God's blessing - and leaves them devoid of His power to set the captives free. One of the greatest things happening right now is that the Lord - having prepared His holy apostles and prophets - is re-establishing His five-fold ministry in the Church. There are many who believe that the office of the apostle and the office of the prophet "passed away" for all intents and purposes with the early church, and this has hindered the "full manifestation" of Jesus through His Body.

        One other area that has been constantly in prayer is the place of women in ministry. Satan has been enabled - through the unbelief and self-exaltive practices of many men in "leadership" positions - to keep many of the women who are called to an office of ministry out of their proper place in the Lord's scheme of things. I praise God that this is ending! For His judgement is upon His household and this "evil practice" is surely one of the first things that will be consumed by "holy fire". I perceive that we are on the threshold of entering the next phase of the Father’s plan. I believe that the Holy Spirit will be poured out to such a great degree in this country - and throughout the entire earth - that even now we could never even begin to comprehend the magnitude of what is about to happen!

The Lord gave me a vision some time ago and it was basically this:

I saw a great and powerful flash of light “suddenly” streak across Canada from coast to coast -  bursting forth with great power (this could well include all of North America – and will most certainly include “certain” other nations across the globe).

Then the Lord spoke to me and said:

    "Like a searing, blinding light shall the truth spread forth across this land. For I have heard the prayers of My faithful servants (intercessors), and they are pleasing to Me!"
    Everything that has happened over the years has been but a preparation for us - both individually and corporately - to be "pure" vessels in this coming Revival of Revivals. In these days, let us be found abiding in faith, love and obedience – fit vessels of His holy fire! There is obviously much more to say about the grace that empowered me (and all of us for that matter) to reach this point of great preparation and release, but I believe with all of my heart that that will be spoken loudly and clearly through the writings and teachings that I have been blessed with throughout the years. To you Father, and to you Lord Jesus, be ALL of the glory!

May you be blessed (empowered) through and through by the words of revelation knowledge contained within this website. It is my earnest and heart-felt prayer that each one partaking of the writings will gloriously and superabundantly enter into the fulness of their “Kingdom-position” in the days ahead – through the total and absolute empowerment of the Holy Spirit. I thank you, Father, that great grace will begin to rest heavily upon – and work mightily within - all those whose heart is wholly given to you in this most critical and glorious hour.
